Friday, August 3, 2012

The Artist's Towel and Basin

By Randall Flinn

In the Book of John, Chapter 13, Jesus Christ leaves his esteemed position at the table of the last supper, before His death on the cross, and completes one of the most significant acts and service of his earthly ministry. It is written in this passage of scripture that Jesus was fully aware of all that had and would soon be taking place concerning His purpose and mission. Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart from this world, that Judas Iscariot would soon betray him, and that He had been sent by God and would be returning to His Father after fulfilling the mission he had been sent to do. Most amazingly, He knew that soon he would walk the road of suffering, and being beaten and scourged beyond recognition, would endure the death blows of crucifixion and take upon himself the wages of sin. Even in the knowing, and with the opportunity to escape it all, He still persevered for the joy that was set before Him, for our salvation and our restoration to God.

As all these dark tragedies were soon to be upon Him, still He was able to rest in the union and identity with His Father and the assurance of His purpose and passion for mankind. Here was the Master Artist Himself, the Word that had become flesh and blood, the glory of the Incarnation, and without hesitation, carrying out the sacrificial plan of His Father to reconcile the world to Him through the atonement of His Holy Son. At a time which could have been opportune for any other person's sense of self protection, retaliation, insecurity and identity crisis, Jesus leaves His place of authority at the table and girds himself with a servant's towel and fills a basin in order to wash the feet of those He loves. This act of Christ's love is filled with vast and profound significance. He tells Peter that what he does now may not be understood, but later, (when Peter is restored by Christ) he would understand. At that time Peter had no idea how powerful and impacting Jesus' gesture would be for his own life and ministry.

Jesus was offering yet another mandate to his followers, "If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do for one another as I have done for each of you." Jesus washed their feet, the soiled part of their bodies, in a beautiful example of grace being lavished upon the receiver in the washing of their souls and the affirmation of their value as children of God. The towel and basin were simply his instruments in carrying out His divine service and calling. The Master Artist had all he needed to offer his gift to those he loved and though this to multiply that gift for the world to receive great blessing. Yes, the Lord of Creation washed over dirty feet in bountiful grace and beauty, with healing and affirmation, and even prophetic acts of restoration.

Now, here I am your artist Lord, and what are my towel and my basin? You have instructed me to follow your example, one given by a servant-King. You have asked me to wash the feet of humanity. The life and gift I have been given can become the towel and basin to serve this world in your name. I too, in honor to you, can bring your grace, beauty, truth, healing, peace and joy through the offering of my life and talent. I can be a creative servant of Christ and secure in my role and calling which will set me free to serve others in the love, liberty and power of your Holy Spirit. In you Lord, I can work in excellence and understand my role and potential to restore lives and culture and even nations in your name.

Father, you have restored me as your son and as an artist to engage and impact, inspire and rebuild for the sake of your Kingdom and eternal plan. Your redemptive truth and the riches of your grace can live and flourish within me and through my creative pursuits. Oh Father, as you removed Isaiah's iniquities with the coals of your altar, as you removed the tainted garments of Joshua the High Priest and girded him in pure vestments and as your placed your words and anointing upon the lives of your priests, prophets, disciples and apostles, oh Lord, wash my feet as I surrender them and the rest me to you. Lord Jesus, wash over and remove the stones, the hindrances of my sin, my pride, my lusts, my distortions and false identities and idols that I have set above my affections for you. Jesus, you knew your purpose and you were free to love and to serve and to obey the will of your Father. Help me Lord, in this confusing world, to know my purpose in you, to hold secure in your plan and to obey you.

Jesus, you are glorified as our lives bear fruit and we abide in you. You have said and given me your permission to go and bear much fruit in your name. I am your son and I am your artist and I desire to bear fruit to the glory of your name. You called an artist, Bezaleel, by name. You fill him with your Holy Spirit and enabled, empowered and anointed him to serve your purposes as a skilled artist. His very name means under the shadow of God. Lord, this is what I long for, to be your son and your artist, under the shadow of your Presence, filled with your Spirit and working in excellence to the glory of your name.

How I realize Lord that I could so easily in my flesh and fallen nature turn to the pride of Lucifer in desiring my own exaltation. So I thank you even now for the blessings of the brokenness you have brought into my life and the thorns in the flesh that keep me ever clinging to your grace and mercy. It is not my work, it is not my creativity that's makes me anyone or anything. All that I am and hope to be is a gift of your grace and forgiveness in my life.

So I return to the towel and basin Lord. It is here that I can glorify and serve you best. It is here that I can be a true son and a true artist and give back to this world from your gift of grace. It is only here that I am liberated to love others in your name and to serve them with the talents you have entrusted to me.

Restore me daily Lord as your son and your artist. Daily remove the stones so I can help build up the highway of the Lord in your path and plan for this world. May your Spirit rest upon me and anoint me for the tasks that you have called me to in this world and in your Kingdom to come. My heart is yours', my art is yours'. As I am restored and healed and made whole, so then my life and artistry will find new freedom and meaning.

Simply, I thank you for the basin and the towel and the wonder I find in creatively washing the feet of mankind as a servant-artist. There is so much your have for your artists Lord. Restore them my God that they may transform the distortions of this world with the redemptive gift of art.

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